Publications 1986 - 1995


Eichler, L.W., R.T. Bombard, J.W. Sutherland, and C.W. Boylen. 1995. Recolonization of the Littoral Zone by Macrophytes Following the Removal of Benthic Barrier Material. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 33:51-54.


Weiher, E., C.W. Boylen, and P.A. Bukaveckas. 1994. Alterations in Aquatic Plant Community Structure Following Liming of an Acidic Adirondack Lake. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 51:20-24.

Shuster, E.L., R.G. Lafleur, and C.W. Boylen. 1994. The Hydrologic Budget of Lake George, Southeastern Adirondack Mountains of New York. Northeastern Geology. 16:94-108.

Weiher, E.R., and C.W. Boylen. 1994. Patterns and Prediction of A and Β Diversity of Aquatic Plants in Adirondack (New York) Lakes. Canadian Journal of Botany. 72:1797-1804


Hartleb, C.F., J.D. Madsen, and C.W. Boylen. 1993. Environmental Factors Affecting Seed Germination in Myriophyllum Spicatum L. Aquatic Botany. 45:15-25.

Methe, B.A., R.J. Soracco, J.D. Madsen, and C.W. Boylen. 1993. Seed Production and Growth of Waterchestnut as Influenced by Cutting. Journal or Aquatic Plant Management. 31:154-157.

Madsen, J.D. 1993. Waterchestnut Seed Production and Management in Watervliet Reservoir, New York. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 31:271-272.

Eichler, L.W., R.T. Bombard, J.W. Sutherland, and C.W. Boylen.  1993.  Suction harvesting of Eurasian water milfoil and its effect on native plant communities.  International Symposium on the Biology and Control of Aquatic Plants.  Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 31: 144-148.

Hartleb, C.F., J.D. Madsen, and C.W. Boylen.  1993.  Physiological ecology of seed germination in Myriophyllum spicatum L.  Aquatic Botany 45: 15-25.


Osgood, M.P., and C.W. Boylen. 1992. Microbial Leaf Decomposition in Adirondack Streams Exhibiting pH Gradients. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 49:1916-1923.

Osgood, M.P. and C.W. Boylen.  1992.  Seasonal variations in microbial populations in Adirondack streams exhibiting pH gradients.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 49: 1916-1923.

Mulholland, P.J., C.T. Driscoll, J.W. Elwood, M.P. Osgood, C.W. Boylen, A.V. Palumbo, A.D. Rosemond, M.E. Smith and C. Schofield.  1992.  Relationships between stream acidity and bacteria, macroinvertebrates, and fish:  a comparison of north temperate and south temperate mountain streams, USA.  Hydrobiologia 239: 7-24.


Madsen, J.D., C.F. Hartleb, and C.W. Boylen. 1991. Photosynthetic Characteristics of Myriophyllum Spicatum and Six Submersed Aquatic Macrophyte Species Native to Lake George, New York. Freshwater Biology. 26:233-240.

Madsen, J.D. 1991. Resource-Allocation at the Individual Plant-Level. Aquatic Botany. 41:67-86.

Madsen, J.D., J.A. Bloomfield, L.W. Eichler, C.W. Boylen, and J.W. Sutherland. 1991. The Decline of Native Vegetation under Dense Eurasian Watermilfoil Canopies. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 29:94-99.


Fallon, R.D., and C.W. Boylen. 1990. Bacterial Production in Freshwater Sediments: Cell Specific versus System Measures. Microbial Ecology. 19:53-62.

Osgood, M.P. and C.W. Boylen.  1990.  Microbial leaf decomposition in Adirondack streams exhibiting pH gradients.  Microbial Ecology 20: 211-230.


Roberts, D.A., and C.W. Boylen. 1989. Effects of Liming on the Epipelic Algal Community of Woods Lake, New York. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 46:287-294.

Roberts, D.A. and C.W. Boylen.  1989.  The effects of a whole lake liming manipulation on epipelic algal communities.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 46: 287-294.

Madsen, J.D., and C.W. Boylen. 1989. Eurasian Watermilfoil Seed Ecology from an Oligotrophic and Eutrophic Lake. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 27:119-121.

Green, I.S., D.L. Smith, and C.W. Boylen. 1989. Electron Microscopic Observations of the Aquatic Caterpillar Acentropus Niveus (Olivier). Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America. 906-907.

Madsen, J.D. and C.W. Boylen.  1989.  Formation and germination of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) seeds from oligotrophic and eutrophic lakes in New York State. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 27: 119-121.


Roberts, D.A., and C.W. Boylen. 1988. Patterns of Epipelic Algal Distribution in an Acidic Adirondack Lake. Journal of Phycology. 24:146-152.

Madsen, J.D., L.W. Eichler, and C.W. Boylen. 1988. Vegetative Spread of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Lake George, New York. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 26:47-50.


Collins, C.D., R.B. Sheldon, and C.W. Boylen. 1987. Littoral-Zone Macrophyte Community Structure-Distribution and Association of Species along Physical Gradients in Lake-George, New-York, USA. Aquatic Botany. 29:177-194.


Boylen, C.W., and R.J. Soracco. 1986. Autecological Studies in Microbial Limnology. Microbial Autecology: A Method for Environmental Studies.